Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Should I read all of the Old Testament?

In the Old Testament we find books such as Numbers and some genealogy’s. Must we read all of it? Are these books applicable to the lives of Christians today? Have you ever heard a sermon out of the book of Numbers?

Why do we read the Bible? Christians believe that the Bible is the living breathing Word of God. We can grow spiritually by reading the Bible! For example reading the story of Jesus and how he was crucified for our sins reminds us to be grateful for example. There is thus a practical reason for reading the Bible.

Is there a practical reason for reading every word in the book of Numbers? The book of numbers is about the genealogy of ancient Israel, much like a family tree. Perhaps in ancient times a person could say that he or she was related to a person in that family tree, but today chances are that if you were next of kin to some named in a family tree in the book of Numbers you wouldn’t know it!

Thus it is more important for a modern Christian to know what the Book of numbers is about, rather than to read every word or strange name in it! The book of numbers contains a story that spans about 38 years. It is about the journey of the Israelites in the desert, before entering the Promised Land. That story is a part of the history of Israel and therefor important!

Should we read every name in a Biblical family tree?

Chances are that you wouldn’t know someone from a family named in those family trees. But to the ancient Israelies was important to name the people the way they did. Thus we, today, not so personal!

Till next time!

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