Saturday, 23 February 2013

Have you ever seen someone being raised from the dead? Is it still possible today?

When Jesus had finished praying, he shouted, "Lazarus, come out!" The man who had been dead came out. (John 11:43-44 CEV)

Have you ever seen someone being raised from the dead? Is it still possible today? Could only Jesus raise people from the dead? Did the disciples have the power? Did that type of miracle stop when Jesus went to be with the Lord?

I have personally seen Christians being confronted with these specific questions and some of them decided that it cannot be answered! Some even lost their faith or left the Church. Let me tell you that it is not necessary to have a spiritual crisis about these questions! It can be answered!

In our present time you don’t see or hear from people that were raised from the dead. I think if someone was to be raised from the dead TODAY it would have made the news headlines! Some charismatic pastors testify that they have seen people raised from the dead, but most Christians have never actually seen someone standing up from a grave. This of course places a difficulty on the understanding of the Bible. I mean Jesus and Lazarus were raised from the dead. Some even see the resurrection of Jesus Christ as the basis of the Christian religion. I personally don’t think you can have salvation without the blood of Christ. How can you believe the Biblical account if there is no physical evidence for it?

There are two ways to answer all these questions. The first is based on rational thought.

If you chose to follow a more rational way of thinking and thus not taking a faithful answer, then I can tell you that the questions that I asked in the beginning of this post is the wrong questions to ask! If you want to follow a rational way of thinking then you must rather ask: “What evidence is there that testifies that Jesus really walked the face of the earth?” It is called the quest for the “Historical Jesus”. Many books have been published about this and most of them don’t include any type of faith. It is like the findings of an archaeologist.  You need a few books to explain this in full

The second is based on faith. Even though we don’t see people being raised from the dead today, we can testify that some similar things happen to us!

I personally know a friend who was using drugs for a long time. He came free from it and testifies that it was God who helped him. He would have surely been dead if he didn’t come free from the drugs. He gives thanks to God for saving his life.

I personally know a person who has been cured from cancer. He believes that God cured his cancer. If God didn’t cure it, the medical report stated that he would have died a few years ago. God saved his life.

Yes these accounts is not as glamorous as raising someone from the dead! Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead! We are not Jesus. Jesus was the sinless Lamb of God. We shouldn’t compare ourselves with Jesus as He was on earth. I still believe that raising someone from the dead today is still possible, but I can only say so from FAITH. I believe the power of God can be seen in many other places! The testimony of the Holy Spirit is the only way to this explanation.

Till next time!

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