Saturday, 9 February 2013

Is the “Word of God” the Bible? Or can it be something else?

The “Word of God” is a term that is widely used for many things. Perhaps you might remember the first verse of the Ten Commandments: “God said to the people of Israel:”
(Exodus 20:1 CEV). God said something. His word came to Moses and the People of Israel. In this example the “Word of God” may refer to the law of God.

But today believers have God’s forgiveness. When we say the “Word of God” we don’t just mean the law or what God said in the Old Testament, but also what God said in the New Testament. The “Word of God” might refer to one of the following:

·         The Bible. Christians believe that the Bible is the living breathing “Word of God”. We can find the will of God in the Bible, plus the Holy Spirit helps us to interpret the Bible. When we read the Bible the Holy Spirit speak to us! This can be the “Word of God”.
·         Jesus. “In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God.” (John 1:1 CEV). John writes that Jesus was called the Word.

This can give us a glimpse into how the Holy Spirit operates when He helps us to interpret the Bible. The Bible and religion should be interpreted through Jesus Christ who fulfilled the prophesies of the Old Testament. That is, Jesus is the Messiah, the one that brought redemption for our sins!

The “Word of God” is thus much more than just the Bible. It is not wrong to say “Word of God” when you refer to the Bible, indeed the “Word of God” includes the Bible, but it is much more. For example your Godly experiences, the help the Holy Spirit gives you when you interpret the Bible, everything from God is the “Word of God”.

How do you understand the word of God?

Till next time!!!

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