Thursday, 24 January 2013

Is the Old Testament relevant to Christians?

In a post a few weeks ago I discussed the different sources of theology. There I said that Scripture is a source of theology. But what is scripture for Christians? Is Scripture the entire Bible or is it just the passages that talk about Jesus? What should Christians do with the Old Testament? Is the Old Testament still relevant to Christians?

The Old Testament starts with God creating the heavens and the earth and it ends about 400 years before Christ. It contains the stories and teachings of God before Christ. These stories are mostly about Gods people- they are the Israelites.

The Israelites spoke Hebrew and they can also be called the Hebrew people. Since the Old Testament is about them the Old Testament also took the name: “Hebrew Bible”. The actual Hebrew word is: “Tanakh”.

For Christians the Old Testament gives an introduction to the story of Jesus. The main reason for this is because the Old Testament contains prophecies that a Messiah is coming. The word “Messiah” is a Hebrew word which, when translated in Greek is “Christos” or Christ. Christians believe that Jesus is the Christ- That’s why we call Him Jesus Christ; the Messiah!

Thus the Old Testament paves the road for Jesus (John 1:23). Jesus also successfully fulfills the prophecies and the law in the Old Testament (Romans 8:1-4)

Till next time!

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